Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hola mi querida familia,

How is everyone doing? I can´t believe that summer has come to an end and you are back in school! Que loco! It was so good to hear from all of you this week. I always look forward to reading your emails. This week has been great for Hermana Tyler and I. We have seen so many miracles. I am so grateful to be serving and I wouldn´t change it for anything. The gospel is real. I know that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us and knows us. I love being able to share this message of hope and love with the people here! I love the people here so much. I can´t even describe it. 

Okay okay I really want to share with you the miracle of the week! So remember me telling you about the spanish woman we found at the bus stop? Okay so she came to church last sunday and it was wonderful! Before church we were able to give her a LDM and explain a little bit about it. And on Thursday we had our first real lesson with her. So we taught her about the restoration of the gospel! It went so well! Ahhh I am so grateful. The spirit was so strong and she was so receptive to everything we said and felt there. At the begining of the lesson haha Michael will know this but usually as part of that lesson we explain that this gospel blesses families. And as we were talking about this i felt like I should bear my testimony to her about eternal families "las familias pueden ser eternas", as I bore testimony of this her face just kind of lit up and she said me too, I believe in that too! Ahh so good. Then later the member who´s home we were having the lesson in bore her testimony about recieving an answer that LDM is verdadero and about how we feel the spirit. And Cristina just kept saying I really want to find out if it is true, I want to know that too. Wow. Okay she is the most prepared person ever. But it gets better. So towards the end of the lesson I asked her if she had had a chance to read in the book of mormon and she was like ya a little. And she opens it up and she had read 15 chapters!!! This never happens. I am so excited and happy for Cristina. I can´t wait to continue to see her progress in the gospel. I know that she will recieve an answer as she reads and prays! We are hoping that we can set a baptismal fecha with her this week :). 

This is the last week of the transfer! It has literally flown by and I knew it would because I am loving my companion and area so much. I think this is transfer 3 for me. And for the last week of the transfer President Pace sent us two mini missionaries to work with. They are two 16 year old young women from Barcelona. Hermana Aragote and Hermana Mizzini. They are so cute and excited to be here. I will send a picture next week. It is so fun to teach, contact, and knock doors with them! I really hope that they have a wonderful experience and that they will leave with a strong desire to serve a mission. I wonder if you can do mini missions in Utah? I wish I would have done that! Anyways back to transfers, they are this next wednesday the 3rd. And I will probably stay here and train! Yay :) I will not be able to email next Monday but later on in the week once I get back from Barcelona!

I am so thankful for all of you and I love you so very much! Thank you for all your love and support. I hope to hear from all of you again! Les quiero mucho!! Que tenga un buen dia! :) 


Hermana Benson 

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